Norsk Fotofagskole, Documentary Håkon Borgen Norsk Fotofagskole, Documentary Håkon Borgen

Botngård ungdomskole

Tidligere i år hadde vi “editorial” (redaksjonell) fotografering som tema hvor vi skulle fotografere et moderne arkitektbygg. Dette skulle kunne passe i magasiner som D2 og ukeadressa. Her valgte jeg å portrettere bygget Botngård ungdomskole i Ørland kommune. Her har jeg vært tilbake 3 ganger på forskjellige tidsrom på dagen og i uken for å få en følelse av tid og rom.

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Norsk Fotofagskole Håkon Borgen Norsk Fotofagskole Håkon Borgen

Having a go at fashion photography

Before Christmas, we were looking at fashion photography at school and had 3 weeks to produce a classical fashion series and destructive fashion series. On the classical one, I was able to work with local store Fifty and local hotel Hovde Gård.

Here is the classical series:

Here is the destructive series:

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Norsk Fotofagskole, School, Documentary Håkon Borgen Norsk Fotofagskole, School, Documentary Håkon Borgen

First photoassignment at Norsk Fotofagskole

Here we are, Following my dream!

Our first assignment at Norsk fotofagskole was to make a photo series as we learn that photos should be seen in a series. We could basically photograph whatever we wanted to show what we can do before we start learning and to see what to focus on.

For my assignment, I choose to document the local food suppliers around where I live. As a way to show the importance of these and as a way to get to know my neighbors. In total, I met with 6 different farmers. All doing different kinds of food production.

These are made like an editorial photo assignment. I have no idea what will become of this project, but for now here are the shots. Here are my 6 picture series for the assignment:

I also will add some of my other photos from my shoots here:

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