Easter on the farm
Pictures from our easter trip to the cabin/farm in late April. Brought with us my closes friends as it was still Covid-19 times.
Pictures, were taken with Olympus Stylus Mju I. The Film I used, was Ilford HP5 400 and Kodak Gold 200.
Uthaug stolling
Pictures I took an a stroll around Uthaug looking at houses for sale.
Taken with Olympus Stylus Mju I with Ilford HP5 400
Family trip on Ilford HP5 400
Took some photos when on a family hike. Not my best work, but want to share anyways!
Shot with the Olympus Stylus Mju I and Ilford HP5 400.
ABGT350 and Prague
Back in late September of 2019, my buddy Jørgen, Espen and I finally got the chance to go to ABGT for the first time. I had the time of my life at these concerts we went to that weekend. Google “ABGT350” if you want to know more. At one of the concerts, I brought my point and shoot camera Olympus MJU 1. I also took some pictures with my FujiFilm X-PRO1 as well.
I want to highlight some of the photos I took, I was especially pleased with these ones. I absolutely love the reflections in the first pictures and the documentary-style in the other two.
These reflection! I love this shot!
Graffiti, looks like New York
Here are rest of the photos shot on the Olympus Stylus MJU. The color film are Kodak Portra 400 and the black and white are HP5 Ilford 400.
I also shot some photos on my digital FujiFilm camera from walking around in the city:
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